
Where's the next demo, Blaz?

I'm remaking the engine for PAHSE, and reworking a number of levels (ahem, WORM & BIRD), is the short answer.

The long answer is basically the same, just that the original was way too painful to work with, combined with updating to Fusion 2.5+ breaking a few things (until an update right after I fixed it...) made me decide to use the new features in 2.5+ to use Global Events with things to make it far more efficient, as I won't need to change stuff on a frame-by-frame basis if I want to make new content.

I'm not going to guarantee when the next update will happen, but it will contain more than the previous demo. I've been a bit busy with school, as well, so that's been a setback, and I've gotta worry about big tests soon enough, but the more I worry the worse it is, so I'll do my best! As a little teaser to make it not feel as bad that I've been gone so long, here's a little preview of how much more refined the new engine is, with just the menu being much more... idunno, menu-y? It just feels better, okay?

...Just ignore the Comic Sans, most everything is placeholder.

That's about all I'll show for now, thanks for reading and I'll see you sometime that hopefully isn't about a year later!


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oh no the images aren't here what did i do wrong

5 minutes later and my pc turning off its own internet and presto, it's like nothing ever went wrong except everything went wrong!