Doubt anyone's come here now, but in case you're here and wondering where the stuff is, I've temporarily taken it down seeing as I'm... not proud of the past de...
Where's the next demo, Blaz? I'm remaking the engine for PAHSE, and reworking a number of levels (ahem, WORM & BIRD), is the short answer. The long answer is ba...
Download it. If you want, I guess, I don't wanna force you to... Puzzle Arrows HSE's first demo containing EASY, EASY EX, and a little something extra is now he...
Short of it, I got Fusion 2.5+ (Good) and now frames crash when going to the next one other than the title and credits (Bad). Yeah, there's no way I can put the...
Wow, first update! Things've been going quite well. I was originally thinking I wouldn't be including the Easy EX stages with the demo, but... hey, I felt gener...